Current Events!

Santas Anonymous 2022

We are incredibly energized for the Holiday season and another year of Santas Anonymous. Santas Anonymous is a community centric fundraiser for those who need some extra help with the holidays, celebrating the idea that we all have Santa like abilities to spread love and good will during the holiday season. In 2022 we are providing food hampers for Christmas Day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) along with gifts for children of families in need. NeighbourLink will be running the food bank in December this year and we encourage you to continue to support them in their efforts to feed those who need it in our community.

How you can help

Donations are the best way to support the event. Toys and funds are always needed to ensure we can deliver food and gifts to as many people as possible.

Toy donations can be brought to the Men's Shed from Monday to Friday, or the toy boxes located at: IDA, Taylor Brother's Home hardware, Co-Op Food Store, or at Bird on a Wir.e

**Please note that all gift donations must be new and in the original packaging**

Financial Donations can be made via

  1. Cheque to the Kin Club of Vanderhoof and mailed to PO Box 509, Vanderhoof, BC, V0J 3A0.
  2. Cash donations can be dropped off at the Men's Shed

We also know that the community also loves to contribute time to the project by sorting food and other various tasks and we are grateful for the desire to be involved. The project has evolved greatly over the years to where very little physical assistance is now needed prior to hamper day. On hamper day we are in need of assistance to help deliver hampers. Hamper day is Dec 18th with deliveries occurring from 10am-1pm. If you are able to assist please let us know.

If you are interested in helping with other aspects of the project please watch our social media accounts for requests for help. If we identify needs for additional support we will post a request there.

How to apply

**Applications for the 2022 Santas Anonymous Hamper Program are now closed**

Those who wish to apply for assistance (for themselves or on behalf of someone else) can pick up an application at Neighbourlink, Act II Thrift Store, or fill out the online application by clicking the application link below. Only one application will be accepted per household.

Application Deadline: December 9th, 2022

Special Thanks

We have amazing partners that help us achieve the community's needs through Santas Anonymous. This year we would like to extend a special thank you to Sarab (Owner of Tasty Tandoori) for the use of the Twins Cafe Location for the hamper house. We would also like to thank the Men's Shed for their continued investment in helping and collect toys and cash donations for the project, and Neighbourlink and Act II Thrift Store for assisting with providing applications.

Check out the Gallery for photos from past events.

Check back for more updates!